Pippa Gladhill is a writer and playwright with a track record of broadcast work on Radio 4, Radio 4 Extra, Radio 3, including commissioned work and live broadcasts from Bath Literature Festival.
Her plays have been performed in Bath, Bristol, Faversham, Canterbury, Manchester, and London. She has received two bursaries from the Arts Council to support her writing as well as funding from Arts Matrix and South West Arts.
Her short form fiction is published in anthologies, has won awards, and been placed in competitions including winner of Orange New Voices and short listed for the Bridport. Her stories have been read at many live spoken word events throughout the UK, including Greenwich Observatory, the Eden Court Theatre, Inverness, and by Courage Copse Creatives in a wood, at night, in Devon.
What People are saying…
‘Great, funny, and thought provoking’
‘Love the mix of humour, social realism and quirkiness (noir)’
‘Brilliant play, very poignant and thought provoking.’
- ‘City’ Theatre Audiences
‘Love the words, the narrator, the story.’
‘The play was brilliant! Starting like a funny story to the moment it turned dark – the story kept us in suspense and suffering until the end.’
- ‘Weather’ Theatre Audiences
‘Your writing (HEAD DOWN) leapt off the page at me’
‘I’ve received more favourable comments about THE PRESENT and requests for copies than any other story I’ve produced.’
- Radio 4 Producers
‘What strikes me is the impact of your writing, the way in which you succinctly build layers of meaning onto such vivid characters. There is so much to enjoy and admire about your work that it is not hard to see why you’ve been so successful in placing your stories with broadcasters and short story competitions’
- Former Random House Editor